Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Another week of work has passed and the clock is still ticking, so as of the 18th of August, we are another week of work away before we are done. Time passed by really quickly indeed and it seems like it was just last week that we arrived at the US.

Guess that most probably most of you guys have heard of the looming tropical storm Fay that is going to hit Florida (forecasted to be on Tuesday), plus the fact that we might need to go to work on Tuesday if the need arises (due to evacuation and there might be heavy traffic along the turnpike). We have decided that we should pay another theme park a visit, and this time, it’s the SeaWorld theme park in Orlando. Again, we got our entrance tickets for free, thanks to the Taiwanese connection (I wonder where are all the Malaysians? lol). As for this time, we will have 2 more Taiwanese girls joining us (Mila and Maggie), besides the 3 of us (Damien again not included) and the 2 Taiwanese girls (Wendy and Jessica). And the usual routine, wake up early-prepare-get on a bus, so it happened that Mila and Maggie got onto the same bus as us, and that made things even easier. This time, we made sure that we wouldn’t let our ticket sponsor to wait for us, and we were by the entrance of the park 15 minutes before 9am, which was the agreed time.

A picture at the entrance of SeaWorld

It was not long before we got hold of our tickets and we were lining up behind a crowd of people.

The queue at the entrance

It was a good 10 minutes wait at the queue before we managed to enter the park due to the usual security check and stuff. This time, another girl by the name of Elaina (who works in a park linked and neighbouring of SeaWorld) joined us and she was acting as our tour guide. Below are pictures of the 5 foot ways of the park.

A short walk then brought us to a dolphin nursery

After a few pictures, we continued our exploration of the park with the help of our tour guide.

A picture of the waterfront lake of the park

The next point of interest was the Pacific Point Preserve, where there were lots of sea lions hanging around.

A picture of the Pacific Point Preserve

A mother Seal feeding it’s pup, a catching sight indeed.

Just to let you guys know, the SeaWorld theme park is more about performance and shows rather than rides. So it was decided that the Clyde & Seamore show held at the Sea Lion and Otter Stadium that will be our first show of the day. When we arrived at the stadium, we were greeted by a clown and the clown did something behind our backs that got the whole stadium laughing, but well, it was the clown’s job to provide the entertainment before the show starts anyway, as we did enjoyed what did the clown did to the rest of the entering crowd. The show started and lasted for a good 30 minutes, and the show indeed wasn’t disappointing, with funny acts from the seals and otters, it was pretty entertaining and got us going. A really really good first impression in my opinion.

The seal and it’s human companion performing one of their trick.

Our next pick has got to be one of the main attractions of the park, the show named Believe held at the Shamu Stadium. And if you're wondering, the star or rather stars of the show were killer whales (yes, you read it). The stadium was already packed with people even though we were there 30 minutes before the show started (at 11.30am) and we had to get a seat at the soak zone of the stadium (and they really meant soak zone as they got the killer whales to deliberately splash water at us using their tails). The show lasted half an hour and it was a show of 2 thumbs up quality with a heart warming theme.

A picture of the Shamu Stadium

A group picture of us which we took while we were waiting for the show to start (Dickson didn't appeared inside because he was the camera man) From bottom right: Wendy, Mila, Winson, Me, Maggie. From top right: Jessica, Elaina.

A trainer and his whale friend soaring high up in the air.

A Killer Whale in the air!

Next up, we paid the park’s sole roller coaster (named the Kraken) a visit, and it didn’t disappoint us as well (although it is still isn’t as good as the ones in Busch Gardens) as we went up the ride for a 2nd time after the get-wet attraction (Journey to Atlantis) which we had.

The Kraken from afar

After an hour plus having lunch at a cafĂ© (where most of the time was spent at the line due to the tremendously long queue), the weather again wasn’t pleasant to us as it was raining outside, but we braved the wind and rain just to make it for the next show (Blue Horizon) held in the Whale & Dolphin Theatre. We weren’t rewarded as to what we have expected after all our efforts as while we arrived at the theatre, the doors were not opened to the crowd yet, we have no choice but to wait under a shade. Soon the rain subsided and it was not long before the theatre doors were open to the crowd. Well, the Blue Horizon show was a musical performance starring both dolphins and human performers. And again, it was just so amazing to see the dolphins performing their routines and what intelligent animals they are.

A view of the Whale & Dolphin Theatre

There was still some time before the next show Sea Lions Tonight starts, so paid the Penguin Encounter a visit (which reminds me very much of Happy Feet, especially the Latino penguins in the show which I got to know that they are called Rock Hopper penguins :p). After the encounter with the penguins, we proceeded to our next show again held at the Sea Lion & Otter Stadiums. And again, we were greeted by the clown of the stadium when we entered and which eventually the clown played a part in the show itself, because the show that we were about to watch was a comedy relief or parody of all the other performances/attractions in the park starring Clyde & Seamore the Seals and a clumsy walrus thrown into the mix as well.

Remember the show Believe starring the Killer whales? :p

A group picture of us with the SeaWorld signboard

Guess what, the park even serves free beer at the Hospitality Deli (SeaWorld, Busch Gardens and a few other parks were owned by the Anheuser Busch Company, which at the same time produces the Budweiser brand of beers). But well, since the legal drinking age in America is 21 years and above, me and Dickson “couldn’t” get a fair share of our beer (but I bet that you guys won’t be surprised if the girls sneaked “some” for us :) ). After our drinking antics, we headed to the Atlantis Bayside Stadium for a show (Bayside Ski Jam) of water skiing and stuff. In truth, the show wasn’t really that interesting compared to the rest, but still it was good nevertheless.

A view of the Atlantis Bayside Stadium

We then headed to Wild Arctic for a lame simulation of a helicopter flying to a “Base Station in the Arctic” and landed there which we then get to see some Polar Bears and Walruses up close. After our freezing cold “adventure at the Arctic”, we then rushed to the next show which begins at 8.15pm, this time, it was Shamu Rocks held at the Shamu Stadium, and judging by the name, you all would have already guessed that it was a show of Rock and Roll starring Killer whales.

Shamu Rocks!!!!

After yet another impressive head banging show by the Killer whales, we then headed towards the Waterfront of SeaWorld for the last show (Demystify) of the day of water fountain, lights, and fireworks. The dazzling sights and roaring sounds of the show were indeed impressive (sorry that I didn’t had any pictures of this show, only videos which are too large in size to be uploaded).

We then had a look around in a souvenirs shop while waiting for 3 of Wendy’s friends working in Tampa which we promised to house them in our apartments since they were paying Orlando a visit. Just to let you guys know if you guys were wondering, the 3 girls were the ones that suppose to provide us with the free tickets for Busch Gardens, and it’s timely that we return them a favour :).

A picture of me with Maggie and Mila before we part ways (since we have no idea when we will be seeing each other again)

A late bus ride and soon, we were back home (which was around 11.30pm). After a make-our-guest-feel-at-home session, soon, we were already all snoring away after a tired but satisfying day. Again, another heartfelt gratitude to our Taiwanese friends.

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