Friday, August 29, 2008

Last Of Our Break Days

The end of our working days are near, it was just the last working Sunday (24th of August) we will ever have and just another modest Wednesday to go before we are done. So it was on Sunday night after we were done working, the Ukrainians decided that they wanted to hold a belated celebration of their independence day and everyone of us were invited to their house. The celebration would then become one of the craziest night we have ever had in Walden Circle because after a meal with some vodka shots, we had a volleyball game and a football game afterwards in the middle of the night (or should I say morning?:) ) What made it even crazier was that after our football game, we then intruded the swimming pool (it was already closed) and had a dip. It was already 5am in the morning when we were done when the Ukrainians suggested the king of all foolish ideas, which was to see the sunrise at Walden Circle itself. Although it was foolish, we didn't hesitated (but only 2 Ukrainians joined us in the end) and we ended up staying up still 7.30am in the morning for the sunrise before we doze off in our respective beds.

A picture of us during the sunrise

On the next day itself, all of us got together for a fine dinner (sort of a farewell dinner too) at Hard Rock Cafe in Universal. This time, it was one big group of us (which even included the Taiwanese girls that joined us at SeaWorld) that made it a dinner of all dinners. It was close to a half an hour wait for a table but I guess it was worth every single second of waiting not only because of the food but also the feeling of getting together in one big group and have a meal.

A group picture of us which we took while we were waiting for a table

A picture of 4 of us (which we didn't had for quite some time already)

A picture of some of the food we had (steaks and cocktails:) )

A group picture of us while we were eating (since we had too many people, we were being divided into 2 tables)

On Tuesday, we didn't did much the whole day besides me getting a new camera (my old one got soaked and died on me) and Winson's friend paying a visit to our house for a chit chat. But I decided to cook up a good last dinner for the 5 of us (including the Wendy and Jessica) for one last time.

Food for thought (Marinated chickens, Sardine eggs, Cabbage with tomato sauce, and rice of course:) )

After our dinner, we then got together to prepare a gift for BK. We decided that we make a photo album with some pictures which we took and also throw some chocolates into a big nice box together with the album (hope the people at BK would like it). Well, it was suppose to be a gift from me, Damien, Dickson and Wendy but in the end, it was only me and Wendy doing all the work besides Dickson giving the idea of the gift itself.

Wendy with the photo album

A picture of the contents of the gift before we sealed the box

So it's a reality that we are about to leave everyone soon, time really had passed by so quickly and 3 months was like as if we had just arrived at Orlando a week ago. I really hope that I could bare the feeling on the day that we are suppose to part...

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