Sunday, August 31, 2008

Day 3: Key West - Miami

It was already 9.30am when we were done with our breakfast, which was the Key Lime pie that we bought yesterday. Well, the pie was awesome in every way besides it being a little bit on the sour side.

The Key Lime pie

Once we were done with our breakfast, we took our car and went out for a drive, and what we had in mind was to pay the beaches and the lighthouse a visit. But too bad, both didn’t turned out as what we have expected to, because the beach wasn’t good at all (but maybe because of the tropical storm which washed all the debris ashore) and the lighthouse was still shut.

So we headed back to the hotel to pack our stuff and got ready to check out since it has to be done before 11. It was just right at 11am when we were done with checking out (the bill was at USD 155, reasonable considering the location of the hotel and the comfort of the room).

Southernmost Hotel, before we left :)

Before leaving the Key West, we dropped by a former US navy base and had some pictures taken which among them includes an old warship.

Me & the Warship

After the navy base, we then bid farewell to Key West and headed northwards towards Miami. Well honestly, the Key West was a very nice place with much historical and cultural element, but this trip of ours could have been better if not for the stubborn weather (the consolation would be that I can tell people that I’ve been to the Key West :) ). It was raining heavily when we left the Key West but it didn’t lasted long before it was drizzling lightly again.

Our journey from Key West to Miami

A 2 hour drive and we decided to stop by a beach in Islamorada to grab some fresh sea breeze (of course some pictures too). Below are some pictures of the beach at Islamorada.

After a half an hour break, we were soon on the road again. But it was not long before we made another stop, this time was to fill our hungry stomachs. This restaurant with the banner “The Most Famous Fish Sandwich” had gave us a reason to pay them a visit, but I didn’t ordered a fish sandwich, but a roasted beef club instead (because it was cheaper at USD 6.95 :p ). The food tasted good, and the portion was pretty big too, so I was pretty satisfied :) .

The Roasted Beef Club that I had for lunch

Once we were done with the food, we continued our journey towards Miami (without any more stops). After another roughly 2 hours of drive, we’ve finally arrived at the City of Miami, and the sight of the skyscrapers of the city was just captivating. This is the Miami that I’ve always imagined it to be and it didn’t disappoint me. Below are a few pictures of the city.

But this was the city and what we wanted in Miami were the beaches, and the right place to be was at Miami Beach (which was away from the mainland). Along the way, we spotted some big cruise ships at the port of Miami and it was indeed a sight to behold.

A picture of one of the cruise ship

The port of Miami

Yachts after yachts

What we needed next was a place to stay for all of our remaining nights at Miami, and so we went hunting for a motel with reasonable rates. Since it’s Labours’ day on the Monday, so there will be a long weekend and hotel rates had all rocketed and rooms sold out. After a pretty long hunt, we finally settled on a deluxe room in a motel (called Day’s Inn) which will cost us USD99 a night. The usual chore of unloading our luggages and settling down then ensued, and of course, we got ourselves washed up too.

Once we were done with everything, we got dressed up and were ready to roam the streets on foot again. Below are a few pictures of Miami Beach at night.

After a short walk at Ocean Drive (where most of the cafés and bars are), we decided to have our dinner at one of the café called Foxcafe. It was kind of a fine dining type and I got myself some pasta, which was called Penne Pesto (pasta cooked with shrimps, chickens and dried tomatoes in Pesto cream sauce which I seriously had no idea what it was). The food tasted great and it came in a pretty big portion, worth the USD 13.95 that I’ve paid for the food.

Penne Pesto

When we were done with our dinner, we wanted to visit a club at first, but we didn’t have any luck in finding one that suited us (or rather accept patrons that are under 21 years of age). So we walked around the area of Ocean Drive before we headed back to our motel to get our much deserved rest.

A picture of a portion of Ocean Drive.

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