Wednesday, August 13, 2008

20 Years Ago On The Day I Was Borned

It was 08/08/08 on Friday and yes it was my birthday :) The day before, which was during Thursday night, we (me, Dickson and Winson) had a little celebration among ourselves after the clock ticked past 12. It was just a small but meaningful celebration with some chickens and a bottle of beer (which Winson bought, thanks :)).

Here's the meal which were bound to go into our stomachs.

On Friday itself, I had many birthday wishes from friends and colleagues alike, through all means. In fact, i already had some from Malaysia since Thursday (thanks to my family and those who had wished me, I really appreciate it) :) But the surprise of the day was i received a little birthday card from Wendy (for those who doesn't know, Wendy is our beloved colleague from Taiwan). What was written in the card will only be between me and Wendy, but what i could say was, what she had written was very meaningful and i'm starting to wonder how it's gonna be like when we were to part in about 20 day's time. To Wendy if you were to read this post: "You're really a thoughtful and sweet girl, I can't and don't want to imagine the moment when we're about to part, but knowing you was indeed a blessing and worth this very trip alone.. :) and thanks again for that birthday card". By the way, after work during Friday night, we had a little party with some chickens and beer again, this time, the Taiwanese girls were invited and so as Damien and his girlfriend. Well, at least it felt like a little party.. :p

A picture of the little party

By the way, this 20th birthday of mine was indeed a very special one, for the fact that it was celebrated away from Malaysia with people from different country. I would like to thank everyone for their wishes and you guys are just great :)

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