Friday, July 18, 2008

New Arrivals

Sorry for the delay of posts, i was just about to give up on updating this blog (well, due to poor internet connection and my laziness :p), but due to persuasions and inspirations from the people around me, i've decided to continue on this blog till my American journey ends, so this could serve as my travel journal in the future (and maybe save my mouth from telling everybody my story over and over again :p)

By the way, what a pleasant surprise we had on the morning of June 24th Tuesday (it's an off day), we were called by our manager (Mr. Ron) and were informed that one of our about-to-be colleagues has arrived on the previous night and her name was Wendy. Mr Ron gave us her apartment number and suggested that we looked for her and show her around the place (since we were in Orlando for close to a month already). It was bad enough that she came all the way to our apartment looking for us (bad on our part for not departing earlier, since we had planned to go out anyways), she had to walk with us all the way to the Mall at Millenia, which was a good mile walk. When we were about to leave our doorsteps, we were surprised, never we had an idea that she would be a Taiwanese, because we were told that there were going to be Germans who will be joining us and not Taiwanese (looks like we totally got the wrong information). So, since i was the one among we four who could speak the best mandarin (which I have doubts), I was assigned the job of mediating between us and Wendy. Well honestly, i didn't had any problems communicating with her and i found her to be quite enjoyable to be talking to (we talked about our culture and stuff...).

Anyways, our original plan was to look around for a 2nd job (to earn some extra cash :)) and we went into doing that once we had done accompanying Wendy having her lunch. We headed to the nearest few shops and before we could get started, I had a call from Mr. Ron asking us whether we are available to work on that day itself and we didn't had a 2nd thought and said 'yes' immediately. Poor Winson was left out because they only needed us from BK and it was clear that Winson was a bit unhappy about that (but there was nothing that could be done). So we left Winson and Wendy while they continue their exploration and ran all the way back to our apartment to prepare for work totally not remembering that we had to look for a 2nd job :).

Then on the 29th of June, we had another new arrival from Taiwan (this time, we knew about it since Wendy told us before hand). Her name was Jessica and we met her for the 1st time after our driver was late and it turns out that our driver got lost while picking Jessica up from the airport and sending her here to Walden Circle. Anyways, I really admire both of the girls courage to come here alone (if you'd asked me to do it alone, i don't think i would dare :p).

It would be later that Wendy was designated a place in Burger King and Jessica a place in Starbucks in our work place. Wendy would eventually become my working partner in BK and how nice and fun a girl she was in work and play :) And honestly never since after the Thais left, that I've found working pretty enjoyable again...
(Not that Damien and Dickson were boring people, haha)

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