Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Universal And Goodbyes

I couldn't believe that i would just have around 4 hours of sleep, but we had already make it a point that we would wake up early in the morning and leave for Universal Studio Orlando where we managed to get some cheap tickets (black market ones :p) from our colleagues in BK. I was half awake when we were in the bus on the way there but it doesn't matter since we were there in a blink of an eye. Couldn't blame us if we didn't look enthusiastic, it's just because we were all walking zombies :O

Well, a little bit on Universal, it is divided into 2 parks, one the Universal Studios park and another is the Island of Adventure park. We decided to enter the Universal Studios Park first and it will later turn out to be a bad decision :( Anyways, here are some pictures of the park.

We took on the Shrek 3D ride at first and i could say that it was a pretty nice first impression where we were required to wear those glasses and they throw you into a theater with moving seats and then put you in an adventure. The next was Jimmy Neutron ride and it was basically the same concept as the Shrek but only with more action. We then took on the 'The Revenge of the Mummy' ride. And these 'mummies' on walking sticks indeed caught the crowds' attention.

'Wow' was what we could said about the indoor roller coaster of the mummies, very cool indeed and it will be the appetiser of all of our rides. Sorry for the lack of pictures but that's the best i could manage since we have so much to cover within 11 hours because the tickets we had were of a day passes only.

Don't this street look like those that were in London?

The Jaw's ride were next on our list and it wasn't really impressive which same goes to the Terminator 2 3D which were similar to the first 2 rides. But we were at the main attraction of the Universal Park, The Simpson's ride.

And the ride indeed was breathtaking, it was a virtual roller coaster but it indeed got our adrenalines pumping! The moment we were out of the ride, we were all having neck pains (it wasn't a real coaster!) haha..

It was already around 3pm when we entered the Island of Adventure park and the sky didn't looked really good as it was about to rain and almost all the rides in the Island of Adventure park were outdoor as opposed to the ones in Universal Studios park.

But still, we gathered ourselves and moved on and the first real roller coaster (Incredible Hulk) caught our attention immediately, but to our disappointment the ride was temporarily stopped due to safety reasons while we were already half way at the queue.

We didn't wasted anytime and we headed to an indoor ride and it happened to be the Amazing Adventures of Spiderman.

I wouldn't say that it was a very good ride but it's at least a tad better then the Jaw's and Terminator ones :) But anyways, it was really our day (either we can call ourselves lucky or something) the rain stopped and the sky cleared, but some of the rides were still not opened to visitors. So we continued our walk......

and next was the Jurrasic Park.

It seems that this little guy was inoblivious that a T-Rex was just about to swallow him up :p

We took the river adventure ride of the Jurrasic Park and it was all boring until the end when we were thrown down on a 45 degree slope and a big splash right at the bottom although i didn't really got wet :)

We were on to the 'Lost Continent' part of the park and the ultimate coaster ride immediately caught our attention. All i could say was 'Life well spent' or rather money well spent, haha, because the ride alone was worth the ticket price, the ride was a hanging coaster and we went thru a pretty lots of 360 and downwards ride. By the end of the ride, we were all feeling dizzy and out and Damien was the first to get knocked out as he didn't took any ride after that. Well, in truth, i was pretty up for another ride of that scale and since it was the Dueling Dragons ride (realised the 's'? There were 2 rides for the Dueling Dragons) that we took, i wanted to have a go at the 2nd one but Winson and Dickson were already saying they are not going in again, so i didn't took the 2nd ride in the end.

After a drink, we (without Damien) took the Poseidon's Fury ride and guessed we were deceived by the name as it turned out to be the most boring attraction of all.

Me & Poseidon's Temple

We then headed back to where we started, the Incredible Hulk ride and although it was nice, after the Dueling Dragons ride, this was nothing :)

And right after the ride, i was already knocked out, and i can feel like my head was going to explode anytime soon (guess that the lack of sleep has taken it's toll, and i swear it was the lack of sleep and not my endurance of the rides :p) We went round looking for souvenirs right after that but i got nothing myself since i figured that this will not be our last time here.

We then headed back home planning to pay our Thai friends a visit before they leave after our dinner. But to our disappointment, all of them were not back yet and we decided that we go back later. But after around an hour or so, instead 2 of them paid us a visit while the rest were already asleep. After a chat, we took a picture together and bid farewell to them.

I couldn't say how much i'll miss them but they had been great colleagues in our 3 days of work and they had been of a great help during those times. It's just too bad that they were leaving this soon...

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