Tuesday, June 10, 2008

'International' Adventure

We all know that we need a Social Securite number in order to work in America, and that's what we have set out to do today, we hopped onto a bus at noon (yea, we were late since all of us were sleeping like pigs). After a transit and close to 2 hours of ride, we arrived at the center, and got our procedures done within 20 minutes. It was raining heavily when we were done but we thought that we wouldn't want to waste our time there, so we ran in the rain to catch a bus that happened to stopped at the opposite side of the road.

We decided that we should go for a walk by the International Drive since we have a bunch of coupons where it would come to great use. On the way there, we got a few pictures and here is one which could best depict a typical American neighborhood.

Here are some pictures along the International Drive that we will eventually spend our whole day at.

A fancy Chinese restaurant? (I bet it wont be as nice)

And look! A really big terrorist (incredible hulk?) ripped the building off the ground. Nah, it's a museum of arts.

Pictures of Pointe Orlando (remember the Curve?)

Guess you guys had heard before of the famous Ripley's (believe is or not) telecast, so decided to pay USD18 to have a tour of the museum (which Genting had one too).

A Malaysian Silver pipe (lol, do we smoke in pipes?)

A man with 3 legs (it's true!) Imagine him playing football, Ronaldo will not even match him.. haha

Run for your life! Head hunters!!

I didn't know about vampires being true stories.

The infamous Iron Maiden

OMG, mini me, dwarved by a chair.

Me & a chunk of Berlin Wall (Iron Curtain)

Night life in International Drive

Guess this was by far the longest mile (American units) we've ever covered in a day, at the end, we could be seen chasing buses because it was close to 10pm and bus services were about to end, but in the end, we were back in our condo by 11pm. And all we could say was 'life well spent'.. :)

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