Friday, July 18, 2008

Downtown Disney

It was 1st of July (Tuesday) and the 1st time we had made up a plan with the Taiwanese and through that, we decided that we would pay Disney Downtown a visit and see for our own eyes how magical it was :). And so here we are, we woke up early in the morning at 8 to catch the 9am bus. Unfortunately to say, due to poor planning on our part, we detoured the whole of Orlando before we reached our destination as we didn't planned our bus route properly, we ended up spending and hour plus on the bus before we could lay our foot on the floor tiles of Disney. But what's done is done and here are some pictures of Downtown Disney itself.

Disney, Disney and Disney

Five-foot ways of Donwtown Disney

I still remember how i was a fan of Lego while i was young and i would say it was a dream came true that i got to visit one of my childhood dream places. (but i will say that i'm no more such big a fan of it anymore :p)

A smiling Lego dragon :p

After having our lunch (of all places, we chose Mc Donald's, since we didn't had any other choices), we decided to continue our walk. And you had guessed it right, we visited the Disney merchandise shop and it's decorations inside was really really magical :)

Spotted Goofy?

A picture of the entrance before we left Downtown Disney.

Immediately after that, we brought the Taiwanese to Prime Outlet (the place where they sell cheap branded stuff that i was talking about in my earlier posts, to show them around what girls does best :p ) Well, it was only their 1st time shopping and they already got themselves (Wendy & Jessica) a pair of slippers, which roughly took them about an hour to make up their mind before they are willing to part with their money (which was understandable:p ). As for me, I can proudly say that I've not got myself a single stuff (while the rest had already started spending) and the reason was I'm holding back myself until we are done with our work and I'll shell out everything in a single shot :p (I'm eagerly waiting for that day).

Anyways, after an oriental meal at the eatery in prime outlet, we decided that we call it a day and headed back home to our respective apartments.

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