Thursday, May 29, 2008

Judgement Day 1

JUDGEMENT DAY!!!!!! We'll be havin our drug test today, and so that was the thing that got us up early in the morning. After havin our breakfast of bread and egg, which we had been having for the past few days.... :)

Uh huh, after having our breakfast, we met up with our future colleagues, which are staying in the same condo as us. To our surprise, they were 4 Ukrainians, 3 girls (errrhhhmmmmm) and a boy. Well, we were picked up by a van from our company HMS HOST and went to the very plaza that we will be workin for the next 3 months. First impression wasn't very good, since it's those kind of rest house along the highways, only much better then the ones in malaysia :p

We met up with our boss, Mr Ron, he was a nice guy, he gave us a brief talk and he even treated us to lunch :) After our meal, we immediately went to a diagnostics centre to have our urine tested. LOL, damn, i feel so uncomfortable giving people my urine, it just doesn't sound right :| Well, there were 8 of us, and after a long wait, we were finally done and headed back home with the same van we came.

Back home, we checked the public loaf and had a dunk in the swimming pool, and guess what, i've found my gym, woooooooooooooooot~~~ haha:)

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