Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Day 2

The day started with most of us waking up at early in the morning (that's around 4am), after effects of jetlag? nah, didn't had any problems with that since i'm used to sleeping at odd hours in my university :) Anyways, what else could we do besides exploring again? So we went out to look for our breakfast and guess what we had for our breakfast? Mc Donald's yea, that's right :) It was like any Mc D's in Malaysia besides that it has different menus, and i had a big mac, which was like what we had exactly in Malaysia.

We then took a bus to the Universal Boulevard (Universal the company that produces movies) When we were there, i can say that everyone of us were stunned, oh my, that place indeed was a paradise :) Yea yea, i heard that, pictures, yess... here they are..

The entrance of Universal park

Hard Rock Cafe in Universal Boulevard

The world reknown Universal logo

Pictures of the boulevard:

Me & giant Jordan

A picture of Universal store

After a draining day, we prepared our first own cooked dinner, it was meant to be a soupy dish, but it turned out to be too dry, but it still tasted great regardless, with the pork chop we cooke up :) Here's a memorable picture of it

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